Grades K-2
Grades 3-5
Social Studies

What's For Lunch?

Collect photos of students’ lunches and explore foods enjoyed by others around the world.

Activity Partner
Total time estimate:
Activity Objectives
  • Students will explore their classmates’ favorite lunches by exchanging photos, descriptions, and favorite memories
  • Then, students will reflect on similarities and differences between the foods that they enjoy, and what their favorite meals reveal about their background, culture, and community

This activity supports the development of the following
social-emotional skill: relationship skills.


Engage students in a discussion by asking the following questions:

  • Think about your favorite food to eat during lunch. Why is this your favorite lunch? 
  • What are the ingredients of this food? Does it include any fruits, vegetables, or protein (e.g., dairy, meat, beans, tofu, etc.)?
  • Where do the ingredients for this food come from? Do any of these ingredients grow in our community?
  • How would you describe this food to someone else? How does this food taste (e.g., salty, bitter, sweet, etc.), and what does it look like?
  • Do you have a favorite memory about eating or preparing this food?

Then, ask students to take a photo of their favorite lunch or find a photo of it online!


Share your students’ lunch photos with your Empatico partner class (e.g., through a live virtual exchange or a tool like Flipgrid or Padlet). Invite students to share more about their lunches, and explore the foods enjoyed by your partner class, by asking the following questions:

  • Why do you like this food? Can you describe it to us?
  • What are the ingredients used in this food, and where do they come from?
  • Can you share a story about a time you ate or prepared this food?
  • Do you enjoy cooking? Can you teach us how to make your favorite food?

Guide students through a post-activity reflection by asking the following questions:

  • Did you see any foods or ingredients that are enjoyed by students in both classes?
  • Were there any foods or ingredients that were new to you?
  • What did you learn about our partner class from the foods and stories that they shared?
  • Did anyone share about foods that are grown in their community? What fresh foods do you wish you could grow in your own garden?
  • What new foods would you like to try in your lunch?

This activity was created in partnership with ChopChop Family.

Did you finish this activity? We'd love your input.